June 2018
Tufts Outdoor Movie: The Incredibles
Tufts University is hosting another Outdoor Movie Night on the President's Lawn, this time featuring "The Incredibles," a 2004 Disney computer-animated superhero film written and directed by Brad Bird and produced by Pixar Animation Studios. In the film, a family of undercover superheroes, trying to live the quiet suburban life, are forced into action to save the world. Admission and popcorn are free. For more information, please contact Tufts University Office of Community Relations at 617-627-3780.
Find out more »November 2018
Stars and Stories Festival
Bare Bodkin Theater Company at Tufts University presents Stars and Stories, its outdoor festival featuring a variety of art: performance, visual, collaborative crossover pieces combining existing groups on campus, and more. The event will take place at four locations -- on the President's Lawn; on the bridge linking Paige and Miner halls; outside Eaton Hall; and at the Cannon between Goddard Chapel and Ballou Hall.
Find out more »April 2022
Tufts Outdoor Movie: Jurassic Park
The Tufts University Social Collective (TUSC) invites neighbors to the President's Lawn on Professor's Row for a free outdoor movie featuring "Jurassic Park." This annual Spring Fling Weekend event starts at sundown (approximately 8 p.m.); the movie runs 2 hours, 7 minutes. Grab a blanket or a chair and walk to campus to join the fun. Please email communityrelations@tufts.edu by Wednesday, April 27 at 5 p.m. to request free parking.
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